
JOURNAL, Personal Diary

Terms and Conditions - JOURNAL, Personal Diary

Last updated: 12/05/2024

Use of the App

The Journal App is a personal journaling tool that allows users to record their thoughts, experiences, and reflections. The app does not collect or store any personal data beyond what the user chooses to input into their journal entries.

User Responsibilities

Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their journal entries. Users agree to use the app in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others or violate any applicable laws or regulations.

Backup and Data Storage

Users have the option to save a backup of their journal database to their personal Google Drive account using the "drive.file" permission. The backup is stored on the user's Google Drive and is not accessible by the app developers or any third parties. Users are responsible for managing and securing their Google Drive account and the backup data.

Intellectual Property

The Journal App and its underlying technology are the property of the app developers. Users do not acquire any ownership rights in the app or its content by using the service.

Limitation of Liability

The app developers are not responsible for any loss, corruption, or unauthorized access to the user's journal data. The app developers shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the app.


The app developers reserve the right to suspend or terminate the availability of the app at any time for any reason. Users may delete their journal data at any time.